Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Amaretto No-Fuss Tiramisu

When buying lady fingers for another tiramisu recipe I attempted, there was a recipe on the package of lady fingers purchased at Albertson’s. A brand called Lady Fingers Simply Elegant Desserts. When I went to their website I couldn’t find the recipe. Not sure if they only have it available on the packages. I made this for a camping trip 4 days in advance and put it in the freezer. It made enough for 12 people and was perfect with a cup of tea and by the fire. Also a glass of wine in the other hand.


1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese; at room temperature

1/3 cup sugar

5 tablespoons Amaretto liqueur

½ teaspoon vanilla

3 cups whipped topping / Cool Whip

24 ladyfingers or 6 oz. (2 packages = 3 oz. each)

¾ cup prepared coffee (make the espresso and dunk the cookies in it)

¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

¼ cup of chocolate covered espresso beans, finely grounded


Beat together cream cheese and sugar in a medium sized bowl until light and fluffy, about 3-4 minutes.

Beat in the Amaretto and vanilla. Fold in the whipped topping into the cream cheese mixture.

Arrange half the ladyfingers in a 9x9 casserole dish and pour in half the espresso covering all the fingers. Or you can individually soak each one quickly or brush it on, then lay them in the dish.

Spread half the cream cheese mixture on top of the ladyfingers until smooth and sprinkle with cocoa.

Arrange remaining soaked  or brushed espresso ladyfingers on top of the cocoa and smooth the top with leftover cream cheese mixture.

Sprinkle remaining cocoa and grounded chocolate espresso beans to the top.

Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours, preferably overnight, or even in the freezer for a few days if you are stretched for time. The sooner you eat it the fresher it will be.

Inspired by:

Tiramisu with Kahlua:

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