Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Taco Tuesday Salad

After being a wino and splurging on meals most weekends; I’m not ready for those greasy tacos come Tuesday. During the weekdays I try to eat as healthy as possible. This is one of my favorites because there’s always leftovers for lunch or dinner the next couple meals. If you are feeding a family of four this will feed you all.

1 – 20oz. package of Ground Turkey
2 tsp. of Taco Seasoning Mix Hot & Spicy or Mild (Lawry’s or Ortega)
4 – Large eggs
2 heads of red and green lettuce
Spray your large skillet with Pam unless you have a non-stick pan
On medium heat, add your ground turkey to the skillet
Add in two teaspoons of taco seasoning and begin to blend it into the ground turkey
Continue to slip the meat until it’s lightly browned and still juicy
Clean and cut your lettuce
In a separate skillet, cook 4 eggs over easy or the way you like
Add the lettuce to each plate; add a cup of meat, one egg and I like to serve my salad with homemade guacamole salsa on top.
*** For anyone that enjoys real tacos and carbs, like my husband. If he's not at REAL Taco Tuesday with his buddies, I make him steam white rice, black beans, ground turkey, and serve it in a bowl similar to the burrito bowls at Chipotle with a side of tortilla chips and/or corn tortillas. He also loves Gringo Bandito Hot Sauce. If you enjoy Tabasco, you’ve got to find this goldmine. It’s sold in Albertson’s and Stater Brothers.

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