Monday, July 1, 2013

Grandma's Ranch Beans

1 lb. hamburger ground beef, browned. Don’t drain
1 lb. bacon, chopped, browned. Don’t drain
½ cup onions, chopped
½ cup green bell peppers, chopped
½ cup brown sugar
4 cans tomato soup (10 ¾ oz. each)
2 cans Pork & Beans (15 oz. each)
2 cans dark kidney beans, drain these (15 oz. each) – you can substitute for black beans but remember to drain them
2 cans brown butter beans or Lima beans, drain these (15 oz. each)

In one pan, cook the ground beef until browned, don’t drain juice. Add to large bowl.
In one pan, cook bacon until browned, don’t drain oil. Add to large bowl with beef.
Add in all remaining ingredients and stir.
Add everything in the bowl to casserole dish with a lid and bake for 350 degrees for one hour.
Lightly salt and pepper if you desire. Serve as a side dish.
Perfect for a potluck or holiday BBQ!

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