Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Buffalo Chips

1 Russet Potato
2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon of Garlic Festival Garli Garni - All Purpose Garlic Seasoning or make your own seasoning from garlic powder, salt and pepper

Wash the potato

Slice the potato into very thin slices

Sprinkle garlic seasoning all over potatoes

Heat olive oil to medium heat in a large frying pan

Place potato slices into the oil and cook until crispy

Lay two paper towels on a plate and use tongs to remove the chips onto the paper towels to soak off excess oil

Serve as a side dish with a sandwich, burger, or steak

Tastes yummy dipped in Thousand Island dressing, BBQ sauce, or Ranch dressing
***Last picture = Buffalo Chips with our famous Jimmy Melt:

Garli Garni Garlic Seasoning:

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