Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jimmy Melt

 Above: Where I got the idea = General Store in Kennedy Meadows, CA

We took a trip to Kennedy Meadows, CA in September 2012. We rode our dirt bikes nearly 100 miles all over that mountain. One of the days we decided to ride down to the General Store. When we got there we decided to order lunch. James “Jimmy” my Husband ordered a plain cheeseburger. I noticed they had a Patty Melt on their menu that was served on Texas Toast. As you may know, most Patty Melts are served on rye bread. I hate rye bread! I decided after riding 50 miles I deserved it and couldn’t wait to try it. The first picture you will see is the original Patty Melt from The General Store in Kennedy Meadows. I came home and bought everything I needed to recreate the sandwich and made it 3 days later. Because my Husband hates onions, I made his without onions and mine with onions. This is by far one of the best burgers I’ve ever had.

1.16 pounds of Ground beef (makes 4 patties) – 85% lean/15% fat
4 slices of Texas Toast (Joseph Campione Garlic in frozen section)
A1 Sauce
Ranch Dressing
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/3 red onion
Jalapeno Cheddar or Monterrey Jack Cheese
Salt & Pepper, optional

Heat BBQ to medium heat
Form burgers out of ground beef
Brush 1 teaspoon of A1 sauce on both sides of each burger patty
In a small pan add sliced onion, olive oil and salt/pepper, cook until pieces get a little browned
Lay burgers on the grill and cook about 4 minutes per side
On a piece of foil place Texas Toast on the BBQ and flip every minute for about 5-8 minutes so they won’t burn
When the burgers are close to being cooked, place the cheese on the burgers and close the lid of the BBQ so the cheese will melt
Pull the toast and burgers off the grill once the cheese is melted
Pour a little ranch dressing on the inside of one slice of Texas toast (you can add additional A1 sauce but I don't think it needs it), add the onions and place the burger on the other side of the toast and combine it all
Serve with your favorite side dish.
We enjoy serving it with our homemade Buffalo Chips:

*** If you are looking for a low carb meal: eat the burger with all the fixings on a bed of lettuce and don't make chips :)  

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