Sunday, October 23, 2011

Childhood Memories


I loved when my mom would make me one of three things!

#1 - breakfast in bed

#2 - peanut butter and banana sandwiches

#3 - Fluffernutter (peanut butter & "FLUFF" marshmallow sandwich) - Perfect for the kids!

As an adult, I became a fan of grilling these sandwiches for friends and late night parties. Grilled PB&J: Lightly butter one side of two slices of wheat bread, spread peanut butter on the opposite side of one slice (not the butter side) and jelly on the opposite side of the other slice of wheat bread. Smash the peanut butter and jelly sides together. In a skillet, griddle or cast iron pan, lightly spray with cooking spray or a tsp. of butter on medium heat. Put one side of bread buttered side down on griddle and grill until browned. Flip over and grill until other butter side is grilled to perfection.

Grilled B&M: We also love grilled bologna and mustard. Mom and I call it BO-LOG-NA and laugh every time! Slice of sourdough, buttered on one side of two slices. Mustard on opposite side of one slice. Grill in skillet and add lightly heated bologna. Add the other slide of sourdough, butter side facing out. Grill on both sides until browned.

Hubby's favorite: Midnight day I will post the recipe!

If you haven't enjoyed any of the following in a long time, you need to make it happen!

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